2008. március 21., péntek


Akinek kedve lenne Mexicot nézegetni, úgy rajta!...
Galéria nézet javallott...

2008. március 15., szombat

Az ember, néha, idősebben, arra gondol, már mindent tud, felkészült, meglepetés nem érheti..., hát nem így, amikor azt hinné, túrókat, valami felbukkan, hmm, csontváz a szekrényből..., de ettől ne vágodjunk hanyatt, fogadjuk el a tényeket, még te sem vagy mindent tudó, így is pusztulsz el, alázat, alázat...

2008. március 12., szerda

Hmm, korai hetven...

Hangman Hang My Shell On A Tree

Someone said he knows he know, knows nothing yea
He who knows he knows nothing really knows
But I have searched but I never could find
A way to make my true self unwind
And while I sit here waiting to die
I can see what I am, can tell you why

The time's right ahead, can't you see
Cause my life's running out, out on me
I forgotten how it was, let me be
So hangman hang my shell on a tree

It's all so easy like the time, that I first learned yea
It's all the same since the day, the world first turned yea
But I never tried to listen or wait
But now it's so clear but for me it's too late.
So I sit here trying not to cry
I only wanted peace, and now I must die

The time's right ahead, can't you see
Cause my life's running out, out on me
I forgotten how it was, let me be
So hangman hang my shell on a tree

(Spooky Tooth)